Thursday, May 30, 2013

Assignment #26 Critical Film Review

The movie, "This is England" is about a small child that joins a skinhead group after he has been bullied at school, They do reckless things like rob convenient stores or just scare colored people. This was one of my favorite movies, I thought it was very hectic and exciting to watch. 

In this movie I thought that Shaun (little kid) was a very convincing actor and was very enjoyable to watch. He shaved his head later on in the movie. The skinhead group got him jeans and a vest to match them, ever since then he could not feel more accepted.

Another thing I find cool about the movie is about the sub culture of skin heads. I thought it was pretty cool learning about their music and culture more and finding out a lot more than I knew before. 

Who I did not like in the movie was the kid Harvey in the beginning of this movie. He made fun of Shaun and about his dead father which makes shaun angry and fight him. If it was not for Harvey then Shaun would have never become a skin head.

This was one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. I would definitely recommend this movie. It might be offensive to some and other might see it differently. I would give this movie a 10/10, because this movie is so entertaining.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Assignment #25 Pop (Popular) Culture

One of the shows only shows that I like watching is beavis and butthead. I think the new ones are really funny, and I think it is great that they make fun of t.v shows like jersey shore and other shows. This show is really great because there is no meaning to it. It is just 2 stupid teens just trying to get there day over with.
The show usually starts off with them either watching t.v, in class, or sleeping. It seems like the 2 teens live on there own in a dirty home. Beavis is the blond one, and Butthead is the brown hair one. Beavis and Butthead both work at a burger joint and are very careless.
Beavis and Butthead usually hangs out in front of there local liquor store eating nachos and doing stupid things. I usually do not even watch t.v or watch movies but if I do I would rather watch something stupid like this show and try to make time go by then watch a serious show or movie. This show is great because I can keep watching it and it will not get old to me. I am glad they started making more Beavis and Butthead shows. Also the movie "Beavis and Butthead do America" is also another great funny clip and I would recommend it to someone who likes watching comedy movies.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Assignment #24 Typing

How I learned to type was computer classes in elementary school. After elementary school there would be other little things that we would test to see how we would type. Typing came slowly and now it has been getting easier and easier.

If you had a computer and had to learn how to type then I think the best way to learn is I think this is good because it is free and if you have a low budget then its your best bet. There are also teacher portals that manages your grades and student portals. Also another thing that is great is that there is a proven curriculum. But the best thing is that there are games so it is also a fun way to learn.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Assignment #22 Smoking

1. Peer Pressure

2. Social Rewards

3. Risk taking Behavior

4. Parental Influence

5. Misinformation

6. Genetic Predisposition

7. Advertising

8. Self Medication

9. Media Influences

10. Stress Relief

I think smoking is very frowned upon. Smoking is not good for your health and it can end up killing you. When your friends are smoking around you it is not good either because of second hand smoke and also its smells bad. It also looks weird when young teens are smoking in a public area. The idea of smoking is also stupid, you are paying money to die a little by little. A lot of kids smoke because it looks "hip and cool" but I think it is all a big joke. I also think people who get electronic cigarettes and have never been addicted to smoking is a big joke too.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Assignment #20 Free Choice Chung

Today I will write about skateboarding, this is usually what I write about but I can not think of anything else. I think skateboarding influences my everyday life. Since I get so distracted by it I sometimes forget to focus on other things. I am glad that I started skateboarding but I wonder how I would dress or act without it. I will always think of skateboarding and think of all the good times I had with friends and how fun it was at the moment.

Skateboarding has changed my life in a very good way. I met new people and I got to skate with a lot of known skateboarders. I think that is great and I love what I am doing now and I do not want to change anything. Although skateboarding can be aggravating and hurt, its always good to not give up trying a trick you want to land or do. 

The picture on top Jason dill and (AVE) Anthony Van Engelen, both of them are very influencing and very enjoyable to watch them skateboard. They both are extremely good and skate different from others. Just a week ago these two great people left (AWS) Alien Work Shop to branch out and make their own company. I hope it succeeds and their company does well. There are a lot of people who would do anything to meet these two individuals. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Assingment #19 Chung

If I were to get paid a million dollars to look for a charity that I can support would definitely be the lung cancer charity. The Lung Cancer Research Foundation was founded in 2005 by Laurie C. Carson. This charity has been devoted 5 years to lung cancer patients and is doing a very strong effort to help.

The reason I chose to do Lung Cancer was because I had a grandpa that suffered greatly from it and now is passed away. I remember seeing him in his hospital bed and it was very hard to watch. People die of lung cancer every single day and I think that is very harsh.

1 in 15 americans die from lung cancer. It doesn't sound like a lot but thats around 2 kids in a classroom. If I could contribute that kind of money to help find out how to cure lung cancer then I would definitely put the one million to this kind of study.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Assignment #18 Bucket List Chung

1. Get a job- so I can provide myself money, food, and other goods without the support of my mom.

2. Get a license- so I can drive myself around without friends or a parent.

3. Be somewhere in skateboarding- so I do not feel like I wasted a bunch of time.

4. Go skate with someone famous- Jason Dill or someone that did something great for skateboarding.

5. Go skate the east coast with  friends.